Massage Therapy

On occasion I’m asked what type of reference works does a professional massage therapist need? One of the most useful has been: Stretching Anatomy by Arnold G. Nelson and Jouko Kokkonen (authors) and Jason M. Alexander (illustrator). Champaing, IL: Human Kinetics, 2007. I find this book to be not just an important resource in my [...]

1. For men: Don’t sit on your wallet! When you put your wallet in your back pocket, that’s what you’re doing. That makes you sitting in a unbalanced posture, adding to back discomfort. This is a common complaint of truckers and sales reps. A helpful hint for those of you who travel a lot by [...]

How massage therapy can help can with allergy symptoms You’ve probably seen the photos in your newsfeed of the yellow-green pollen cloud covering our region – named the pollpocalyptic cloud, the pollen apocalypse, and even pollmageddon. Then again, you didn’t need photos to tell you that the pollen is worse this season – you allergies [...]

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