
June is National Safety Month! Healing Touch Charlotte is participating in safety awareness by sharing tips on ergonomics throughout June. This week’s tip is: SIT UP and MOVE Sit up and move to avoid “Tech Neck”. Tech Neck is pain caused when a person leans towards the screen while engaged in extended computer work. The [...]


Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that is characterized by widespread muscle and joint pain and fatigue. Other symptoms that commonly occur with Fibromyalgia include:  Anxiety or depression Decreased pain threshold or tender points Sleep problems (waking up unrefreshed) Problems with memory or thinking clearly Morning stiffness Headaches Tingling or numbness in hands or feet  Source  Tender point [...]

Are you in pain? This may help: Healing Touch Charlotte will be adding Orthopedic Massage to Its Services. I’m excited about this new offering. This October, I’m attending an educational retreat on orthopedic massage focused on the lower body. Clinical massage – which includes orthopedic massage – is a direction in massage that I have [...]