
Plantar fasciitis is a common yet often misunderstood foot condition that can be a source of chronic pain and discomfort for many people. Characterized by sharp pain in the heel or the bottom of the foot, especially when walking, this ailment occurs when the plantar fascia – the thick band of tissue that runs across [...]

June is National Safety Month!  Healing Touch Charlotte is participating in safety awareness by sharing tips on ergonomics throughout June. Ergonomics as defined by Medocinet: Ergonomics: The science of making things fit people. Ergonomics uses knowledge from the fields of anatomy, mechanics, physiology, and psychology to utilize human energy most effectively. Something that is ergonomic [...]

April is stress awareness month – held every April since 1992. Stress can affect your health and well-being in several ways. Stressed people are more susceptible to: headaches high blood pressure heart disease depression a lowered immune system insomnia To alleviate the effects of stress, you can: exercise – exercise and time spent outdoors can [...]

If you are looking to incorporate more natural options into your health and wellness or looking for suggestions for specific parts of your body Dr. Mercola’s natural health tips (below) is a great place to start. Learn more about some of the items below: Coconut Oil (brain) Natural cleaning product (lungs) Curcumin via turmeric (joints) [...]

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