Massage Therapy

Links to Love

I come across so much fun stuff online and wanted to share some great links. – This is an excellent infographic about the wonders and benefits of coconut oil. Infographic: Yoga for Starters – Namaste – This infographic provides information on different types of yoga as well as some basic poses and their benefits. University of [...]

If you are looking to incorporate more natural options into your health and wellness or looking for suggestions for specific parts of your body Dr. Mercola’s natural health tips (below) is a great place to start. Learn more about some of the items below: Coconut Oil (brain) Natural cleaning product (lungs) Curcumin via turmeric (joints) [...]

Vitamins Cheat Sheet: What They Do and Good Food Sources [Infographic] – I am terrible at taking vitamins and prefer getting nutrients through whole foods. This resource shares good based sources for vitamins. 8 desk-friendly workouts to combat sitting disease – Can’t seem to get away from your desk? Give these moves a try to take [...]

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