Book a healing therapeutic massage today.

Our therapeutic massage techniques are well suited for eliminating everyday aches and pains, as well as for longer term chronic issues. Book online or give us a call at (704) 996-1460.

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Are you in pain? This may help: Healing Touch Charlotte will be adding Orthopedic Massage to Its Services. I’m excited about this new offering. This October, I’m attending an educational retreat on orthopedic massage focused on the lower body. Clinical massage – which includes orthopedic massage – is a direction in massage that I have [...]

People might have a better idea about what to expect from a massage therapist if the media didn’t present such absurd portrayals of the profession. When I first met my wife, her only impression of what massage is came from the media, mostly for comic effect. She’d seen countless television episodes that usually portray the [...]

Are you dealing with aches and pains from your summer vacation? Do you have tension in your back, neck, and shoulders from all that back to school shopping? Well good news, Healing Touch Charlotte, Inc. is offering a new back to school special promotion. This promotion includes $10 off a one-hour massage at our Charlotte [...]

How many times have you heard this: after your massage, drink a glass of water, it will help flush out the toxins? I was discussing this with one of our massage therapists, Jessica. We, and many other therapists, have been taught that this is true. And Jessica says: yes, it’s true. I say: not exactly. [...]

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