David Turner

The iliotibial band is the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh from the hip to the shin, helping stabilize and move the hip and knee joints, as well as preventing dislocation. When the IT band isn’t working properly, movement of the knee (and, therefore, running) becomes painful. The IT band can tighten [...]

Now that we have discussed meditation we want to go a bit deeper. Although there are different types of meditation there are some elements of meditation that they have in common. Some of the most common elements in meditation include: Focused attention – Focusing your attention is one of the most important elements of meditation [...]

Types of Meditation

Meditation is often used as a term for the many ways to achieve a relaxed state of being. There are many types of meditation and relaxation techniques that all share the same goal of achieving inner peace. These types of meditation and relaxation techniques can include: Guided meditation – Also known as visualization or guided [...]

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and was originally  meant to help deepen understanding of life’s sacred and mystical forces. Meditation is now commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction. Meditation produces a state of deep relaxation and a quiet, peaceful mind. When meditating, you eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may [...]

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