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The iliotibial band is the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh from the hip to the shin, helping stabilize and move the hip and knee joints, as well as preventing dislocation. When the IT band isn’t working properly, movement of the knee (and, therefore, running) becomes painful. The IT band can tighten [...]

Image Source: Image Source: Reflexology is a treatment that uses pressure on specific areas on the feet, hands and ears to relieve a variety of issues and balance the flow of energy in the body. Reflexology is often relaxing and can be an effective way to relieve stress. Reflexology traces back to ancient [...]

Source Aromatherapy, also known as essential oil therapy, is the therapeutic application of plant essential oils to improve physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Use of aromatic, perfumed oils dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, China, and India. In Egypt, such oils were used after bathing and for embalming mummies. Thousands of years ago [...]

Work is an inevitable part of life and many of us work sitting at desks for most of our day. Our highly sedentary work lives can take a toll on our bodies. We can combat some of these discomforts by getting out of our seat whenever possible, hydrating well, and by stretching. Here are some [...]

Prenatal Massage

Swedish Massage | Deep Tissue Massage | Medical Massage |Neuromuscular Massage | Prenatal Massage | Myofascial Release At Healing Touch Charlotte, Inc. professional massage therapists offer Prenatal Massage for expecting mothers. What Is Prenatal Massage? Prenatal Massage is designed to relax tense muscles and relieve pain associated with pregnancy to make a pregnant woman feel [...]

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